The Lonely T.V.

by Sylvia (FE-B-3) FPE

Are you lonely? Let me confess that I am. I am a member of FPE because of my loneliness. But what causes loneliness and why should a TV be a victim of it? Το what extent is membership of our sorority a cure for lone- liness? I don't know the answer to these questions and I am much too new a member of FPE to set myself up as any sort of authority. Our thirst for information about ourselves leads us to read almost anything that even men- tions us. We continue to do this even after we have found TRANSVESTIA. Although we soon discover the emp- tiness of most of what is offered. But occasionally some- thing worth while turns up. Because the British quarterly magazine "Twentieth Century" is not easy to get in the states, I feel a duty to write something longer than just a review of the Summer issue for 1964. This magazine devotes each issue to a single topic and the topic for this issue was Loneliness.

There is an article on TVism, and naturally I read this first. However, it is not the only article of interest. I will bore you if I go through the whole magazine and upset Virginia who wants some variety in each issue. But an article by Edwin Packer - "More Than One Way Of Starving" has some things to say which will bear re- peating. He begins with the problem of the college grad- uate housewife. This subject has been aired enough and does not directly concern us. His second example is of a woman who had just moved house and tried to short-cut
